Local music resources
Stu Williams teaches locally in the Castle Park Arts Centre, off Foundations Lane, Frodsham, WA6 6SE, covering several instruments, notably guitar, banjo, mandolin and fiddle.
Mike Giverin teaches mandolin. A professional musician for 15 years, touring with Jaywalkers and 4Square, he has run lots of workshops along the way, many locally in Manley Village Hall.
He is available for private lessions, Skype lessons and also runs a teaching website at www.mandomike.com
Kevin Shannon offers beginner-banjo tuition (although he lives in Newton Le Willows)
Nowadays there are various internet-enabled methods of learning an instrument but 1:1 tuition is certainly the best.
Stu Williams - Email: stubanjo@gmail.com Tel: 01928 732 730
Mike Giverin - Email: mike@mandomike.com
Kevin Shannon - Email: kevinshannon2000@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 07955 221 783
Playing resources
Locally, there are resources made available by club members to develop your playing with others.
Beryl England and Bryn Williams run a Saturday morning session in Alvanley, Frodsham, allowing members to play songs/tunes as a group and also on a solo-basis. Bryn provides tuition via song-sheets, tablature sheets and teaching CDs.
Contact Beryl: email bezzer_england@hotmail.com
Andy Pipes is an accomplished clawhammer banjo-player.
Contact Andy: email mypipeline@gmail.com